27 research outputs found

    Apprentissage automatique pour l'assistance au suivi d'étudiants en ligne : approches classique et bio-inspirée

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    Cette thĂšse a pris la forme d’un partenariat entre l’équipe VORTEX du laboratoire de recherche en informatique IRIT et l’entreprise Andil, spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans l'informatique pour l'e-learning. Ce partenariat est conclu autour d’une thĂšse CIFRE, dispositif soutenu par l’État via l’ANRT. La doctorante, Angela Bovo, a travaillĂ© au sein de l'UniversitĂ© Toulouse 1 Capitole. Un partenariat a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© nouĂ© avec l'institut de formation Juriscampus, qui nous a fourni des donnĂ©es issues de formations rĂ©elles pour nos expĂ©rimentations. Notre objectif principal avec ce projet Ă©tait d'amĂ©liorer les possibilitĂ©s de suivi des Ă©tudiants en cours de formation en ligne pour Ă©viter leur dĂ©crochage ou leur Ă©chec. Nous avons proposĂ© des possibilitĂ©s de suivi par apprentissage automatique classique en utilisant comme donnĂ©es les traces d'activitĂ© des Ă©lĂšves. Nous avons Ă©galement proposĂ©, Ă  partir de nos donnĂ©es, des indicateurs de comportement des apprenants. Avec Andil, nous avons conçu et rĂ©alisĂ© une application web du nom de GIGA, dĂ©jĂ  commercialisĂ©e et apprĂ©ciĂ©e par les responsables de formation, qui implĂ©mente ces propositions et qui a servi de base Ă  de premiĂšres expĂ©riences de partitionnement de donnĂ©es qui semblent permettre d'identifier les Ă©tudiants en difficultĂ© ou en voie d'abandon. Ce projet a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© lancĂ© avec l'objectif d'Ă©tudier les possibilitĂ©s de l'algorithme d'apprentissage automatique inspirĂ© du cerveau humain Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), dans sa version Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA), dont les hypothĂšses fondatrices sont bien adaptĂ©es Ă  notre problĂšme. Nous avons proposĂ© des façons d'adapter HTM-CLA Ă  des fonctionnalitĂ©s d'apprentissage automatique classique (partitionnement, classification, rĂ©gression, prĂ©diction), afin de comparer ses rĂ©sultats Ă  ceux fournis par les autres algorithmes plus classiques ; mais aussi de l'utiliser comme base d'un moteur de gĂ©nĂ©ration de comportement, qui pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour crĂ©er un tuteur virtuel intelligent chargĂ© de conseiller les apprenants en temps rĂ©el. Les implĂ©mentations ne sont toutefois pas encore parvenues Ă  produire des rĂ©sultats probants.This Ph.D. took the shape of a partnership between the VORTEX team in the computer science research laboratory IRIT and the company Andil, which specializes in software for e-learning. This partnership was concluded around a CIFRE Ph.D. This plan is subsidized by the French state through the ANRT. The Ph.D. student, Angela Bovo, worked in UniversitĂ© Toulouse 1 Capitole. Another partnership was built with the training institute Juriscampus, which gave us access to data from real trainings for our experiments. Our main goal for this project was to improve the possibilities for monitoring students in an e-learning training to keep them from falling behind or giving up. We proposed ways to do such monitoring with classical machine learning methods, with the logs from students' activity as data. We also proposed, using the same data, indicators of students' behaviour. With Andil, we designed and produced a web application called GIGA, already marketed and sold, and well appreciated by training managers, which implements our proposals and served as a basis for first clustering experiments which seem to identify well students who are failing or about to give up. Another goal of this project was to study the capacities of the human brain inspired machine learning algorithm Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), in its Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA) version, because its base hypotheses are well adapted to our problem. We proposed ways to adapt HTM-CLA to classical machine learning functionalities (clustering, classification, regression, prediction), in order to compare its results to those of more classical algorithms; but also to use it as a basis for a behaviour generation engine, which could be used to create an intelligent tutoring system tasked with advising students in real time. However, our implementations did not get to the point of conclusive results

    Apprentissage automatique pour l'assistance au suivi d'étudiants en ligne : approches classique et bio-inspirée

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    Cette thĂšse a pris la forme d’un partenariat entre l’équipe VORTEX du laboratoire de recherche en informatique IRIT et l’entreprise Andil, spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans l'informatique pour l'e-learning. Ce partenariat est conclu autour d’une thĂšse CIFRE, dispositif soutenu par l’État via l’ANRT. La doctorante, Angela Bovo, a travaillĂ© au sein de l'UniversitĂ© Toulouse 1 Capitole. Un partenariat a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© nouĂ© avec l'institut de formation Juriscampus, qui nous a fourni des donnĂ©es issues de formations rĂ©elles pour nos expĂ©rimentations. Notre objectif principal avec ce projet Ă©tait d'amĂ©liorer les possibilitĂ©s de suivi des Ă©tudiants en cours de formation en ligne pour Ă©viter leur dĂ©crochage ou leur Ă©chec. Nous avons proposĂ© des possibilitĂ©s de suivi par apprentissage automatique classique en utilisant comme donnĂ©es les traces d'activitĂ© des Ă©lĂšves. Nous avons Ă©galement proposĂ©, Ă  partir de nos donnĂ©es, des indicateurs de comportement des apprenants. Avec Andil, nous avons conçu et rĂ©alisĂ© une application web du nom de GIGA, dĂ©jĂ  commercialisĂ©e et apprĂ©ciĂ©e par les responsables de formation, qui implĂ©mente ces propositions et qui a servi de base Ă  de premiĂšres expĂ©riences de partitionnement de donnĂ©es qui semblent permettre d'identifier les Ă©tudiants en difficultĂ© ou en voie d'abandon. Ce projet a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© lancĂ© avec l'objectif d'Ă©tudier les possibilitĂ©s de l'algorithme d'apprentissage automatique inspirĂ© du cerveau humain Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), dans sa version Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA), dont les hypothĂšses fondatrices sont bien adaptĂ©es Ă  notre problĂšme. Nous avons proposĂ© des façons d'adapter HTM-CLA Ă  des fonctionnalitĂ©s d'apprentissage automatique classique (partitionnement, classification, rĂ©gression, prĂ©diction), afin de comparer ses rĂ©sultats Ă  ceux fournis par les autres algorithmes plus classiques ; mais aussi de l'utiliser comme base d'un moteur de gĂ©nĂ©ration de comportement, qui pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour crĂ©er un tuteur virtuel intelligent chargĂ© de conseiller les apprenants en temps rĂ©el. Les implĂ©mentations ne sont toutefois pas encore parvenues Ă  produire des rĂ©sultats probants.This Ph.D. took the shape of a partnership between the VORTEX team in the computer science research laboratory IRIT and the company Andil, which specializes in software for e-learning. This partnership was concluded around a CIFRE Ph.D. This plan is subsidized by the French state through the ANRT. The Ph.D. student, Angela Bovo, worked in UniversitĂ© Toulouse 1 Capitole. Another partnership was built with the training institute Juriscampus, which gave us access to data from real trainings for our experiments. Our main goal for this project was to improve the possibilities for monitoring students in an e-learning training to keep them from falling behind or giving up. We proposed ways to do such monitoring with classical machine learning methods, with the logs from students' activity as data. We also proposed, using the same data, indicators of students' behaviour. With Andil, we designed and produced a web application called GIGA, already marketed and sold, and well appreciated by training managers, which implements our proposals and served as a basis for first clustering experiments which seem to identify well students who are failing or about to give up. Another goal of this project was to study the capacities of the human brain inspired machine learning algorithm Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), in its Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA) version, because its base hypotheses are well adapted to our problem. We proposed ways to adapt HTM-CLA to classical machine learning functionalities (clustering, classification, regression, prediction), in order to compare its results to those of more classical algorithms; but also to use it as a basis for a behaviour generation engine, which could be used to create an intelligent tutoring system tasked with advising students in real time. However, our implementations did not get to the point of conclusive results

    L'apprentissage automatique comme base du suivi d'élÚves et de l'amélioration de formations

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    National audienceCet article vise à présenter un projet de recherche dont le but est d'utiliser des méthodes d'intelligence artificielle et de fouille de données pour l'e-learning. Nous proposons des solutions techniques au problÚme du suivi des élÚves en formation et de l'amélioration des formations proposées. Notre solution prend la forme d'une application qui centralisera des données issues de LMS et permettra de les examiner et de les analyser en utilisant des méthodes de l'intelligence artificielle. Cette application pourra dans un deuxiÚme temps servir de base à la création d'un tuteur virtuel intelligent. Nous détaillons nos propositions concernant les méthodes à employer, l'architecture de l'application et les éléments choisis pour servir d'indicateurs et d'attributs d'apprentissage automatique, et analysons les résultats préliminaires d'un partitionnement de données

    Clustering Moodle data as a tool for profiling students

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    International audienceThis paper describes the first step of a research project with the aim of predicting students' performance during an online curriculum on a LMS and keeping them from falling behind. Our research project aims to use data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence methods for monitoring students in e-learning trainings. This project takes the shape of a partnership between computer science / artificial intelligence researchers and an IT firm specialized in e-learning software. We wish to create a system that will gather and process all data related to a particular e-learning course. To make monitoring easier, we will provide reliable statistics, behaviour groups and predicted results as a basis for an intelligent virtual tutor using the mentioned methods. This system will be described in this article. In this step of the project, we are clustering students by mining Moodle log data. A first objective is to define relevant clustering features. We will describe and evaluate our proposal. A second objective is to determine if our students show different learning behaviours. We will experiment whether there is an overall ideal number of clusters and whether the clusters show mostly qualitative or quantitative differences. Experiments in clustering were carried out using real data obtained from various courses dispensed by a partner institute using a Moodle platform. We have compared several classic clustering algorithms on several group of students using our defined features and analysed the meaning of the clusters they produced

    Analysis of students clustering results based on Moodle log data

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    International audienceThis paper describes a proposal of relevant clustering features and the results of experiments using them in the context of determining students' learning behaviors by mining Moodle log data. Our clustering experiments tried to show whether there is an overall ideal number of clusters and whether the clusters show mostly qualitative or quantitative differences. They were carried out using real data obtained from various courses dispensed by a partner institute using a Moodle platform. We have compared several classic clustering algorithms on several group of students using our defined features and analysed the meaning of the clusters they produced

    Study of a pilot’s heart rate throughout his training

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    In aviation, the physiological monitoring of pilots can be useful to estimate the pilot’s mental and physical state and to help understand their performance. So far, most of this physiological monitoring takes place inside labs or flight simulators, as some physiological sensors are still rather unwieldy in a plane or uncomfortable for the pilot, or are still expensive, such as EEG or fNIRS. However, the humble cardiac monitoring now offers good quality yet cheap sensors for athletes, which makes it a good fit for the general aviation domain, where pilots have a limited budget. Although physical activity impacts heart rate, this activity is limited inside a cockpit and the metabolic heart rate could be subtracted for better results 1. We have had the opportunity of logging a student pilot’s physiological data throughout his initial PPL training (which is not over yet). During all his flights, he wore a Garmin D2 watch, which synchronizes the heart rate with the GPS position, speed and altitude

    Pilot’s head tracking as a proxy for gaze tracking

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    Eye tracking is often used in aviation to study the pilot’s visual circuits, which are relevant to the first two stages of eye tracking integration 1. However, the sensors can be expensive or difficult to integrate in a cockpit and can be sensitive to light variations. We propose to start studying the movements of the pilot’s head as a proxy of their visual interest, because the sensors are already integrated in many virtual reality setups and are not so expensive. Of course, the data quality can’t be considered as good, because the pilot can move their eyes without moving their head. Therefore, the goal of this study is to qualify the interest of the pilot’s head tracking

    O Verso e Reverso do Acesso Ă  Água Como Direito Fundamental:: Vilas Produtivas Rurais - SĂŁo JosĂ© de Piranhas –PB

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    Historicamente a problemĂĄtica dos recursos hĂ­dricos no Nordeste brasileiro Ă© uma questĂŁo fundamental para superação dos obstĂĄculos que compromete o processo de desenvolvimento regional, mais especificamente a regiĂŁo semiĂĄrida apresenta situaçÔes difĂ­ceis com a ocorrĂȘncia de um fenĂŽmeno climĂĄtico cĂ­clico a seca, temperaturas elevadas, altas taxas de evaporação, concentração populacional alta que geram pressĂ”es excessivas sobre os recursos hĂ­dricos. Por outro lado, a falta de gestĂŁo hĂ­drica foi sempre Ă  tĂŽnica da manutenção de um cenĂĄrio crĂ­tico a cada seca, sendo fundamental investimentos em obras hĂ­dricas, elaboração de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas e açÔes implementadas na perspectiva de resolver o problema da escassez da ĂĄgua e acesso enquanto direito fundamental. Diante das questĂ”es circunscritas estudo o artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o acesso democrĂĄtico Ă  ĂĄgua como direito humano fundamental da população nas vilas produtivas rurais - SĂŁo JosĂ© de Piranhas – PB. A metodologia de pesquisa aplicada em função dos objetivos Ă© de carĂĄter exploratĂłrio e descritivo com abordagem analĂ­tica dos dados quanti-qualitativa, no lĂłcus social da pesquisa eixo norte do Projeto de Integração Rio SĂŁo Francisco em SĂŁo JosĂ© de Piranhas – PB, população alvo foi os moradores das 4 Vilas Produtiva Rurais localizadas na cidade de SĂŁo JosĂ© de Piranhas com aplicação de entrevistas e questionĂĄrios feitos um a um, de casa em casa nas Vilas. Como consideraçÔes assinala-se a satisfação dos moradores das Vilas e o acesso Ă  ĂĄgua proveniente da transposição a qual os retirou do seu local de residĂȘncia anterior

    Pre-stimulus antero-posterior EEG connectivity predicts performance in a UAV monitoring task

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    Long monitoring tasks without regular actions, are becoming increasingly common from aircraft pilots to train conductors as these systems grow more automated. These task contexts are challenging for the human operator because they require inputs at irregular and highly interspaced moments even though these actions are often critical. It has been shown that such conditions lead to divided and distracted attentional states which in turn reduce the processing of external stimuli (e.g. alarms) and may lead to miss critical events. In this study we explored to which extent it is possible to predict an operator’s behavioural performance in a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) monitoring task using electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. More specifically we investigated the relevance of large-scale EEG connectivity for performance prediction by correlating relative coherence with reaction times (RT). We show that long-range EEG relative coherence, i.e. between occipital and frontal electrodes, is significantly correlated with RT and that different frequency bands exhibit opposite effects. More specifically we observed that coherence between occipital and frontal electrodes was: negatively correlated with RT at 6Hz (theta band), more coherence leading to better performance, and positively correlated with RT at 8Hz (lower alpha band), more coherence leading to worse performance. Our results suggest that EEG connectivity measures could be useful in predicting an operator’s attentional state and her/his performances in ecological settings. Hence these features could potentially be used in a neuro-adaptive interface to improve operator-system interaction and safety in critical systems

    A Loewner-based Approach for the Approximation of Engagement-related Neurophysiological Features

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    Currently, in order to increase both safety and performance of human-machine systems, researchers from various domains gather together to work towards the use of operators' mental state estimation in the systems control-loop. Mental state estimation is performed using neurophysiological data recorded, for instance, using electroencephalography (EEG). Features such as power spectral densities in specific frequency bands are extracted from these data and used as indices or metrics. Another interesting approach could be to identify the dynamic model of such features. Hence, this article discusses the potential use of tools derived from the linear algebra and control communities to perform an approximation of the neurophysiological features model that could be explored to monitor the engagement of an operator. The method provides a smooth interpolation of all the data points allowing to extract frequential features that reveal fluctuations in engagement with growing time-on-task